Albion Signature™
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What is the Albion Signature™ font?
Albion Signature is a value packed font of exceptional character, with lots of old world charm to make your next project personal and special. Containing over 2,200 glyphs, it’s large enough to handle any demanding project, big or small. It also contains over 400 flourishes in three sections (dingbats, geometric shapes, and misc. geometric shapes) in numerous styles, that can be used in endless combinations. It’s like several fonts in one. Everything you need to do a stellar project is included. A script font that lines up perfectly with a few extra endings and hidden treasures spread throughout. It also contains a complete easy to use PDF index, so you will be able to find exactly the glyph you are looking for fast. This font can only enhance the fonts that you already own, making them more versatile and useful. On its own, it is a very elegant calligraphy script, that will make every project you create look great. The capital letters overlap and intertwine just like in days gone by, for a unique style. Also included are tools that can give you very precise spacing, right inside a word processor. More… Usage: Photoshop styles, InDesign, personal promotion logos, monograms & signatures.... That’s where it shines, yet it’s still great for art, cards, fancy documents, really fancy labels & even notes to Mom. Imagine, most people used to write letters like these at one time. Now you too can have documents that look like the work of a studied penman.Albion Signature™ Font families
The Albion Signature™ includes the following font families:- Albion Signature
- Albion Signature Medium
Albion Signature™ Preview
Here is a preview of how Albion Signature™ will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.
Is Albion Signature™ Free to Download on
No, every font we feature is a premium, paid-for font. Please don't waste your time looking for a free download of Albion Signature™.
It is very unlikely you'll be able to find it for free, you risk getting viruses on your computer, and even if you do find it please remember that it's illegal to use it if you didn't pay for it!
If you really want Albion Signature™ then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts to get it with the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work. :)
Similar Fonts To Albion Signature™
Font Name: Albion Signature™
Design Date: 2008
Designer(s): The Mighty Pete
Publisher: TofinoType