Bree Serif
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In 2008 TypeTogether released the Bree typeface, a sleek sans serif that quickly became a favorite among brand and editorial designers. Bree Serif follows the same theme as its predecessor. It is a young and energetic upright italic that approaches readers with hip and somewhat elegant charm. It has a range of styles that can perform as counterparts to the original Bree fonts. At the same time though they bring a whole range of new and individual features that make Bree Serif a separate type family in its own right. More… The characters in Bree Serif maintain the original flavour of handwriting, but have a more subtle appearance to support optimal editorial usage. The slabby nature of its shapes, particularly in the heavier weights, makes for a strong impression. Some of the characteristic features of its sans serif cousin are present in Bree Serif too, such as the single-story ‘a’, the cursive ‘e’ and the rhythmical ‘k’ and ‘y’. Alternate letters of these are also available when a more neutral look is desired. Bree Serif offers a mixture of fluid and attractive forms that convey a contemporary and vivid aspect. If you loved the multi- award winning Bree, you will surely love its seriffed cousin!Bree Serif Font families
The Bree Serif includes the following font families:- Bree Serif Thin
- Bree Serif Thin Italic
- Bree Serif Light
- Bree Serif Light Italic
- Bree Serif
- Bree Serif Italic
- Bree Serif SemiBold
- Bree Serif SemiBold Italic
- Bree Serif Bold
- Bree Serif Bold Italic
- Bree Serif ExtraBold
- Bree Serif ExtraBold Italic
Bree Serif Preview
Here is a preview of how Bree Serif will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.Is Bree Serif Free to Download on
No, every font we feature is a premium, paid-for font. Please don't waste your time looking for a free download of Bree Serif.
It is very unlikely you'll be able to find it for free, you risk getting viruses on your computer, and even if you do find it please remember that it's illegal to use it if you didn't pay for it!
If you really want Bree Serif then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts to get it with the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work. :)
Similar Fonts To Bree Serif
Font Name: Bree Serif
Design Date: 2013
Designer(s): José Scaglione, Veronika Burian
Publisher: TypeTogether