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All fonts within the architectural family.

Real Fat™

What is the Real Fat™ font? RealFat is a typeface that has been started with the intention to create a very squared bold font with a futurist...

China Market

What is the China Market font? The initial characters in China Market were created in 1996 for a logo featuring the Temple of Heaven in Beiji...

Metro Bots

What is the Metro Bots font? MetroBots is a fun loving, non-traditional but very functional family of 6 fonts made from big city skies, the l...


What is the Patzcuaro™ font? Patzcuaro is a summer resort by a lake of the same name. It is situated 370 km west of Ciudad de Mexico and a vi...


What is the Evangelos font? My inspiration for this font was my father. He was a puzzle toy inventor and as a child he showed me how to write...


What is the Astor font? New Eurostile! A redesigned Eurostile font, Astor font, was created inspired of one of most used fonts in the world....


What is the Gorod.Suzdal font? The general idea: horizontal and vertical strokes of the symbols are connected with the concave arcs. Release:...


What is the Aichel™ font? Every type face which was originally designed for use in architecture (in this particular case for a UNESCO memoria...


What is the Gorod.Moskva font? The general idea: the symbols are stylized in the form of the fragments of the Moscow Kremlin walls. Release:...