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All fonts within the art family.


What is the Collage font? Collage is a font inspired by paper collaging, tearing apart magazines and building unique looking words and phrase...


What is the Opaque font? Opaque Font families The Opaque includes the following font families: Opaque Opaqu...


What is the Odessa™ font? Odessa™ Font families The Odessa™ includes the following font families: Odessa Od...

Deco Geometric Stencil JNL

What is the Deco Geometric Stencil JNL font? Deco Geometric Stencil JNL was inspired by an example of a vintage Art Deco stencil type design...


What is the Cirflex font? Cirflex was inspired by a 1930s shop sign, and makes an ideal typeface for Streamline Era and Art Deco design. Cirf...

Rythme NF

What is the Rythme NF font? Originally released as Éclair by the French foundry Deberny, Peignot & Cie., this face is pure Art Deco in mo...

Cut Paper Stencil JNL

What is the Cut Paper Stencil JNL font? Playing around with a previous design, Jeff Levine came up with Cut Paper Stencil JNL, a typeface wit...

ITC Arecibo™

What is the ITC Arecibo™ font? ITC Arecibo™ Font families The ITC Arecibo™ includes the following font families: ITC Arec...


What is the UltraFat font? UltraFat Font families The UltraFat includes the following font families: Ultra Fat Screen


What is the Limine™ font? The Limine family was designed to give a 3D effect; to look like engraved letters. Those letters are based on the r...


What is the Susanna font? A light sans serif designed for Susanna Lakner’s 22 Days mail art project. The characters were drawn on each of 22...


What is the Oceane font? Oceane Font families The Oceane includes the following font families: Oceane Regular

Stencil Octoid JNL

What is the Stencil Octoid JNL font? Stencil Octoid JNL was inspired by a set of twelve inch tall stencil letters and numbers made by Duro Ar...


What is the Optica font? Optica Font families The Optica includes the following font families: Optica NormalOpti...

Pitkin JNL

What is the Pitkin JNL font? Borrowing from the 1940s, and inspired by printed text found in an old catalog, the slightly imperfect letterfor...


What is the SoBe font? SoBe Font families The SoBe includes the following font families: So Be SoBe Preview...

Mardi Gras

What is the Mardi Gras font? A Festive look creates that happy feeling! Mardi Gras Font families The Mardi Gras includes the follow...

Millrich Moravian NF

What is the Millrich Moravian NF font? Originally called Bohemian in the 1918 specimen book of the Miller and Richard Type Foundry of London...


What is the XXII MISANTHROPIA™ font? XXII MISANTHROPIA™ Font families The XXII MISANTHROPIA™ includes the following font families:...

Huntington JNL

What is the Huntington JNL font? From the backlots of Hollywood to a computer near you! Quiet on the set... Huntington JNL is a bold sans ser...