Looking to download Fishmonger font?
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Fishmonger originated from a commission of two fonts for the corporate identity of a fishmonger shop. When sketching the elementary principles for the lettering, the idea for a modern, extensive font family with a large number of styles was born. The first step consisted of defining the range of widths and weights. Then the master design Medium Regular was completed. The next step was adjusting the Extra Condensed Thin, the Extra Condensed Bold, The Extra Extended Thin and the Extra Extended Bold weights, as they are the vertices of an imaginary square map of the face. This meant that, in order to achieve a harmonious result, the x and y axis needed to be defined. More… From top to bottom, from the widest to the most condensed cut, the proportions are linear. However, from light to black, the line curves gently, allowing lesser difference between the light cuts, and a dramatic one between the heavier cuts. To ensure the original parameters were respected each position on the vertex was checked against the Medium Regular. After sorting out the ideal set-up, the remaining characters of each of the weights were drawn, and the remaining cuts were interpolated according to the principles above. Fishmonger is a functional, clean design, free of any buoyant, ornamental shapes, almost minimalist. Maybe this is what lends the type family its unique appearance.Fishmonger Font families
The Fishmonger includes the following font families:- Fishmonger MT Plain
- Fishmonger MT Italic
- Fishmonger ML Plain
- Fishmonger ML Italic
- Fishmonger MR Plain
- Fishmonger MR Italic
- Fishmonger MS Plain
- Fishmonger MS Italic
- Fishmonger MB Plain
- Fishmonger MB Italic
- Fishmonger ECT Plain
- Fishmonger ECT Italic
- Fishmonger ECL Plain
- Fishmonger ECL Italic
- Fishmonger ECR Plain
- Fishmonger ECR Italic
- Fishmonger ECS Plain
- Fishmonger ECS Italic
- Fishmonger ECB Plain
- Fishmonger ECB Italic
- Fishmonger CT Plain
- Fishmonger CT Italic
- Fishmonger CL Plain
- Fishmonger CL Italic
- Fishmonger CR Plain
- Fishmonger CR Italic
- Fishmonger CS Plain
- Fishmonger CS Italic
- Fishmonger CB Plain
- Fishmonger CB Italic
- Fishmonger ET Plain
- Fishmonger ET Italic
- Fishmonger EL Plain
- Fishmonger EL Italic
- Fishmonger ER Plain
- Fishmonger ER Italic
- Fishmonger ES Plain
- Fishmonger ES Italic
- Fishmonger EB Plain
- Fishmonger EB Italic
- Fishmonger EET Plain
- Fishmonger EET Italic
- Fishmonger EEL Plain
- Fishmonger EEL Italic
- Fishmonger EER Plain
- Fishmonger EER Italic
- Fishmonger EES Plain
- Fishmonger EES Italic
- Fishmonger EEB Plain
- Fishmonger EEB Italic
Fishmonger Preview
Here is a preview of how Fishmonger will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.Is Fishmonger Free to Download on
No, every font we feature is a premium, paid-for font. Please don't waste your time looking for a free download of Fishmonger.
It is very unlikely you'll be able to find it for free, you risk getting viruses on your computer, and even if you do find it please remember that it's illegal to use it if you didn't pay for it!
If you really want Fishmonger then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts to get it with the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work. :)
Similar Fonts To Fishmonger
Font Name: Fishmonger
Design Date: ?
Designer(s): Tomáš Brousil
Publisher: Suitcase Type Foundry