

Photograph Signature

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The font created by Yadhie Setiawan of Typelines Studio has specific guidelines for its use. It is stated that the font is for personal use only, disallowing any profit-making or commercial duties. Its use for promotional purposes requires a license. In Indonesia, the font can be used for non-commercial purposes. However, it strictly prohibits any commercial usage, which includes Advertising, Promotion, TV, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, Youtube, or Packaging Products. Utilizing this font for any commercial purpose without permission subjects the user to a National Corporate License fee or a penalty, which is 100 times the standard license fee.

Is Photograph Signature Free to Download on 1000fonts.com?

Yes, Photograph Signature is 100% free to download but make sure to double-check if for personal or commercial use. Usually this information is displayed in the description of the font.

Font Name: Photograph Signature

Design Date: October 22, 2019

Designer(s): Typeline Studio
