Soda Fountain JNL
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What is the Soda Fountain JNL font?
In most cities during the 1950s and 1960s the corner pharmacy or soda shop was a mainstay of teenage life. It was a place to hang out with friends, hear the latest hits on the jukebox and indulge in everything sugary from malted milkshakes to banana splits. During this time, a popular form of window advertising was supplied by the Coca-Cola Company to promote its product being served by these locations. More… Specialty window decals designed to emulate drawn (raised) Venetian blinds “bookmarked” by the soda’s logo were adhered to the shop’s windows, with a space provided to add in customized lettering. The store’s name or its specialties were applied to each window pane, and this formed a consistent border at the top of all of the shop’s windows. Although few visual images exist of this specific bit of advertising nostalgia, an old record album by a late-1950s singer named Chip Fisher called “Chipper at the Sugar Bowl” provided a somewhat usable sample for what is now Soda Fountain JNL.Soda Fountain JNL Font families
The Soda Fountain JNL includes the following font families:- Soda Fountain JNL
Soda Fountain JNL Preview
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Is Soda Fountain JNL Free to Download on
No, every font we feature is a premium, paid-for font. Please don't waste your time looking for a free download of Soda Fountain JNL.
It is very unlikely you'll be able to find it for free, you risk getting viruses on your computer, and even if you do find it please remember that it's illegal to use it if you didn't pay for it!
If you really want Soda Fountain JNL then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts to get it with the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work. :)
Similar Fonts To Soda Fountain JNL
Font Name: Soda Fountain JNL
Design Date: 2015
Designer(s): Jeff Levine
Publisher: Jeff Levine