Looking to download Vertrina font?
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What is the Vertrina font?
Vertrina marries four virtues: elegance, simplicity, character and usefulness. It started as an idea to combine two things: the elegance of classical Roman typefaces and of classical Roman architecture. The result is that rarest of all things - a truly new face that is elegant yet characterful but not so obtrusive as to be restricted to display work. All the faces' uprights mirror the elegant taper of Roman columns, as used in the most simple and elegant form of Roman architecture. The serifs are a subtle shape that mirrors the pediments and corbels of that same order of architecture. More… Vertrina is a family of eight faces, four upper and lower case faces, suitable for the elegant setting out of text, and four small capitals faces ideal for headings and titles. You'll find regular and bold weights and normal and condensed width, as well as a range of Opentype ligatures. All faces are offered individually and in family groups. Bring some simple elegance to your work.Vertrina Font families
The Vertrina includes the following font families:- Vertrina
- Vertrina Small Caps
- Vertrina Bold
- Vertrina Bold Small Caps
- Vertrina Condensed Regular
- Vertrina Condensed Small Caps
- Vertrina Condensed Bold
- Vertrina Condensed Bold Small Caps
Vertrina Preview
Here is a preview of how Vertrina will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.
Is Vertrina Free to Download on
No, every font we feature is a premium, paid-for font. Please don't waste your time looking for a free download of Vertrina.
It is very unlikely you'll be able to find it for free, you risk getting viruses on your computer, and even if you do find it please remember that it's illegal to use it if you didn't pay for it!
If you really want Vertrina then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts to get it with the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work. :)
Similar Fonts To Vertrina
Font Name: Vertrina
Design Date: 2008
Designer(s): ?
Publisher: Greater Albion Typefounders