

VLNL Tp Martini™

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What is the VLNL Tp Martini™ font?

Our chef Martin Lorenz likes to mix cool and fresh cocktails - shaken, not stirred! You have to taste his awesome Martini or mix it yourself! To make matters more easy, cocktail master Martin reveals his special recipe: “The TpMartini refers esthetically to typefaces drawn with a pointed nib as the Bodoni or Didot, but with the clear distinction that it is obviously constructed by modules. The visual system for the TpMartin is based on a square 5x9-unit grid and three different basic forms with which the font and other elements are designed. The basic forms consist of a straight line and circles of two different sizes. The line can be extended, but the circles retain their related proportions.” More… One piece of advice: Don’t drink and type!

VLNL Tp Martini™ Font families

The VLNL Tp Martini™ includes the following font families:
  • VLNL Tp Martini regular
  • VLNL Tp Martini Italic

VLNL Tp Martini™ Preview

Here is a preview of how VLNL Tp Martini™ will look. For more previews using your own text as an example, click here.

Is VLNL Tp Martini™ Free to Download on 1000fonts.com?

No, every font we feature is a premium, paid-for font. Please don't waste your time looking for a free download of VLNL Tp Martini™.

It is very unlikely you'll be able to find it for free, you risk getting viruses on your computer, and even if you do find it please remember that it's illegal to use it if you didn't pay for it!

If you really want VLNL Tp Martini™ then click here to visit the download and purchase page on MyFonts to get it with the proper license. The designer and publisher deserves to be paid for their work. :)

Font Name: VLNL Tp Martini™

Design Date: 2012

Designer(s): Martin Lorenz

Publisher: VetteLetters